Waretown Town Center

Waretown Town Center
Waretown, NJ
As part of the Ocean Township, NJ economic redevelopment, MAI developed the plans for the new Waretown Town Center which included a supermarket, bank pad site, restaurant pad site, and four retail buildings, all designed by MAI to reflect the local coastal aesthetic in style and materials. Outdoor amenity spaces were incorporated into the center, including areas for outdoor dining, gathering and artistic performances.

Seizing the opportunity to not only enclose this walkway, but to add premier retail space as well, MAI worked with Simon Property Group and RTKL- Los Angeles to design and construct the 270,000 square foot ‘Connector’ building. The multi-phase project added over 50 new luxury retailers and upscale restaurants, plus a new parking deck, all while the 68,000 daily visitors to the mall continued to shop happily.
Keeping the mall operational during construction was one of the project’s largest challenges, particularly since the new work extended over occupied space in both the Court and the Plaza and spanned the constant traffic on Mall Boulevard. MAI utilized the latest in BIM computer modeling to coordinate new and existing elements to ensure the impact of construction was minimized over existing spaces.